WELCOME TO MAIAN WEBLOG. ************************ Thank you for downloading the latest version of Maian Weblog, a free self hosted blog / journal system. The free version has limited functionality in some areas, however the free version never expires. If it is ok for you, use it as long as you like at no additional cost. The commercial licence unlocks the free restrictions. Please see the following for licence options: https://www.maianweblog.com/licence.html A feature matrix can be found on the Maian Weblog website: https://www.maianweblog.com/features.html ********************* INSTALLATION / SETUP: ********************* For installation instructions, information, frequently asked questions and support options, please open the following url (located in the .zip you downloaded) in your browser: blog/docs/index.html (Double click to launch in default browser) - DO NOT remove or modify the 'licence.lic' file unless asked to do so. - DO NOT edit PHP files in a word processor, use a good quality text editor. Notepad++ is fine. - If pages don`t load, check there is NO whitespace in the file before the opening PHP tag, or after the closing one. An edit you made may have affected the file, bear that in mind before reporting bugs. If you do have an issue, check the "logs" folder. ********************* UPGRADING: ********************* Refer to the 'Upgrades' section in the docs. blog/docs/upgrades.html (Double click to launch in default browser) ******************************************************** IF YOU FIND A BUG, PLEASE REPORT IT AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. ******************************************************** For further assistance, please visit the Maian Weblog website: https://www.maianweblog.com Any problems, please post on the Maian Script World support forum. Make sure you check the software FAQ first. https://www.maianscriptworld.co.uk/forums/ I hope you enjoy your new auction system, **************************************************************************** David Ian Bennett Lead Developer / Designer Maian Weblog https://www.maianweblog.com Maian Script World https://www.maianscriptworld.co.uk Latest news and server status: https://twitter.com/#!/maianscripts